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111-1 教學實踐育成計畫補助說明如下(延長至 8/1(一) 下午5:00 開放申請)

1. 本計畫精神為深化本校教學研究風氣,鼓勵教師在其教學現場進行實踐研究,期以帶動證據為本的教學實驗,提升學生學習成效及整體教學品質。
2. 本校專、兼任教師及專案教師皆可以個人身分提出申請,每人限申請一案,每案須以申請教師本人當學期(111-1學期)開授、合授或共授之課程為基礎,該門課程須為臺大課程網上具課程編號之課程。如最後課程未開設成功,計畫補助將中止。
3. 計畫執行期程自111年9月1日起至112年1月31日,不可展延。
4. 申請者請填具計畫申請書、經費編列表各一份,並於111年8月1日前繳交電子檔予教務處教學發展中心教師發展組詹硯喬助理(。
5. 計畫申請書格式請見申請書檔案(附件1),內容應包括下列項目,篇幅限10頁以內 (不含課程資料、附件與參考文獻):
(1) 計畫基本資料
(2) 計畫內容
甲、 研究動機與目的
乙、 研究問題
丙、 計畫創新性
丁、 文獻探討
戊、 教學設計
己、 研究設計
庚、 教學成效評估
(3) 課程資料,並請另外附上課程大綱
6. 計畫審查將依據研究動機之清楚度、研究問題之可測量性、文獻探討與教學研究之相關性、教學設計/研究設計之具體性、教學成效評估是否多元且具明確評量指標作為評分標準。
7. 請預先編列預算表(附件2),每案補助7萬5千元整,僅補助業務費(不含人事費與設備費),並須符合「教育部補捐助及委辦經費核撥結報作業要點」。期滿後結餘款由本中心收回。項目包含臨時工資、工讀費、講座鐘點費、諮詢費、輔導費、稿費、國內差旅費、餐費、教材費、印刷費、場地使用費、設備使用費等(詳參附件)。
8. 如計畫通過,須於接獲通知後10天內繳交預計在計畫中使用之知情同意書(可參考本校研究倫理中心範本)。另若審查後決議您的計畫需要微調,亦請於接獲通知後10天內回傳修正後計畫書。回傳上述資料後方提供核銷說明。
9. 獲補助教師須於112年3月1日前繳交期末成果報告,另須擇一參與或製作本中心舉辦之相關計畫成果發表形式(電子海報、自錄影片、中心錄製影片擇一)。
10. 相同計畫內容,如已獲校內外其他補助或已申請尚在審查中,請勿重複申請本計畫。計畫核定後經指出有涉及學術倫理情事,由計畫申請人自行負責,本中心將追回部分或全部補助費用,另視情節輕重取消計畫主持人申請本計畫資格。
11. 如以相似的研究問題、課程、教學方式、評量方式重複申請不同期之教學實踐育成計畫,經本中心審查符合補助標準者,至多補助 2 次。
12. 本計畫之研究成果可作為申請其他計畫之基礎,如:教育部教學實踐研究計畫或其他教學研究計畫,以達強化校內教學研究之初衷。 

相關連結:附件1-計畫申請書(odf格式) / (docx格式)附件2-經費編列表(odf格式) / (xlsx格式)


1. 教育部教學實踐研究計畫 Youtube- 7分鐘介紹計畫精神與定位(連結
2. 教學實踐研究績優計畫網站-107-108各學門績優計畫

3. 教學實踐研究計畫107-109年成果報告(連結



Have you ever discovered or encountered any problems during teaching?
Have you ever tried to solve the problems?
Why not try to turn the problems into research? It’s time for you to give it a try!
Use a systematic and evidence-based method to improve the teaching effectiveness and students’ learning outcome!


Introduction to 2022 Fall Semester Program (Application is Open until 5pm, August 1, 2022)

1. The purpose of the program is to enhance the atmosphere of teaching-related research in the university, encourage faculty members to carry out practice research in front-line teaching, foster evidence-based teaching experiments, and thereby leverage students’ learning outcome and overall teaching quality.
2. All full-time, part-time, and project teachers in NTU are welcome to apply for the program. Each teacher can only submit one research project at a time. The research project should be based on a course or a co-teaching course to be taught by the applicant in the 2022 Fall semester. The course should be on the NTU Course Information Website and has a curriculum number. If the course is cancelled, the grant will not be awarded.
3. The implementation period for the research project is from September 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023. No extension will be granted.
4. Applicants should fill in the application form and the budget plan, and submit the files to Ms. Chan of the Center via
5. Please see the application form in appendix 1. The application form should include the following items and should be no more than 10 pages in total (course materials, attachments, and reference are not counted):
(1) General Information
(2) Content
 A. Motivation and Purposes of Research
 B. Research Question(s)
 C. Degree of Innovation
 D. Literature Review
 E. Instructional Design
 F. Research Design
 G. Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness
(3) Course Materials and Course Syllabus
6. The review will be based on these criteria: clarity of research motivation, measurability of research question(s), relevance of literature review, feasibility of instructional & research design, diverse measures and clear criteria for evaluation of teaching effectiveness.
7. Please complete the budget plan (appendix 2). Each approved project will be granted NTD 75,000 for operating expenses (see appendix for details). The fund cannot be used for personnel expenses and equipment fee, and should comply with MOE’s regulations for the use of funds. Any surplus upon the completion of the project, should be paid back to the Center.
8. If the research project has been approved, the applicant should submit the consent form within 10 days of receiving the notification. Furthermore, if the research project needs to be modified, the applicant should also return the modified project within 10 days. No reimbursement information will be provided until the aforementioned document(s) have all been submitted.
9. Teachers who receive the grant should submit the research report by March 1, 2023, and participate in one of the achievement presentations held by the Center to present the research outcome (Choose one of the following: E-poster, recording a short film by yourself or CTLD).
10. In order to comply with the principles of academic ethics, the applicant should not apply for the program if the research project has already been subsidized or is under reviewed by other programs. The applicant should take full responsibility for any violation of academic integrity proved by concrete evidence. The Center may retrieve part of or all of the grant and according to the circumstances, terminate the principal investigator’s right to apply for the program.
11. If an applicant repeatedly applies for the program with similar research questions, curriculum, instructional and assessment methods in different semesters, the Center will offer subsidies at most 2 times, provided that the research project meets the criteria for subsidy after the review.
12. The research outcome can be used as a basis to develop new research projects for other programs, such as MOE Teaching Practice Research Program or other teaching-related research program, so as to fulfill the purpose of the incubation program.

Links:Appendix 1 Application Form(odf format) / (docx format) ; Appendix 2 Budget Plan(odf format)(xlsx format)


For further information on the spirit of the Teaching Practice Research Program and past research projects, please visit the following websites:
1. MOE Teaching Practice Research Program YouTube Channel – 7-Minute Introduction to the Spirit and the Orientation of the Program (Link)
2. Outstanding Projects of the Teaching Practice Research Program Website– All Disciplines
3. Results report of MOE Teaching Practice Research Program 2018-2020 (Link)