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☀ 主場攤位 | 111/09/19 (週一) – 111/09/23 (週五) 中午 12:20-13:30

→ 校總區小福前攤位

☀ 無人攤位 | 111/09/19 (週一) 12:20 開始;111/09/23 (週五) 17:00 結束

→ 校總區活大一樓  一樓樓梯口

→ 校總區管理學院一號館 大廳

→ 校總區法律學院萬才館 大廳

→ 水源校區創新設計學院 5 樓教室外

→ 城中校區醫學院 2 樓杏園餐廳外

→ 城中校區公衛學院 大廳


** 攤位現場皆附郵筒,可由臺大福智青年社代為免費海內外寄送。

承辦人:3366-3367 # 512 (教務處教學發展中心教師發展組張小姐)


Youre the best, my teacher!

Show your appreciation to your teachers!

The warmth of the September sun reflects the heat of anticipation in every heart. The epidemic has shown us the power of adaptation and learning. At the beginning of the school year, many things continue to change and yet, persevere.

A group of people is working hard to make a difference. They stayed up late to record videos for the online courses and changed from traditional textbooks to online teaching materials. They are still trying hard to give lectures in front of the screen even though they cannot get any response.

They overcome all kinds of difficulties, but only for the sake of the unchanging intention to give us the best.

That group of people is called “teachers.”

“2022 NTU CTLD x NTU BWYA Teachers Day Free Cards Free Delivery”

We invite you to write cards to express your gratitude to the teachers who have influenced you so much.

Activity Information

Date: 9/19-9/23


  1. Physical booth: Xiao-Fu Square 12:20 – 13:30

  2. Unmanned booths: 12:20 – 17:00

1st Student Activity Center – Lobby

Building 1, College of Management – Lobby

Wan Tsai Research Hall – Lobby

Complex for Research Excellence 5th Floor

Basic Medical Science Building – 2nd Floor Apricot Garden Restaurant

College of Public Health Lobby

More information is on our FB website.