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Spark Tour 火花之旅是一系列教師成長活動,預計於 3-6 月份辦理四梯次,分別聚焦不同教學技巧,結合主題活動,打造屬於大學教師的共同成長交流場域。

113-2 學期「攜伴共學」成為亮點,精心規劃「師生合作」、「親子互動」、「寵物陪伴」以及「教師同儕交流」等多元內容。誠摯邀請教師攜伴同行,共同啟程,踏上一場充滿靈感與火花的學習之旅!



1. 場次別 (報名時可複選場次)

  • 03/20 12:30-14:00 閃動格子-跳出團隊好默契

  • 04/26 12:00-14:30 雲朵包編織-編織親密親子時光

  • 05/17 12:00-14:00 AI 畫創作-繪製課餘陪伴畫面

  • 06/06 18:30-20:30 調酒品茶-調悸教學生活點滴

2. 攜伴說明:

  • 閃動格子場次為「師生合作」場次,希望教師邀請您的教學或研究團隊成員一起參與活動 (成員如 TA、導生或研究生),所邀請的夥伴至多二位,報名時將需填寫學生之姓名、系所別及 Email。

  • 雲朵包編織場次為「親子互動」場次,邀請教師可帶著家中的小朋友一起參加活動,雲朵包編織活動適合國小至國中年齡之小朋友參與,小朋友的人數至多二名,若有更多人數可於備註說明,報名時將需填寫小朋友之姓名及年齡。

  • AI 畫創作場次為「寵物陪伴」場次,活動當日將安排寵物友善餐廳用餐,歡迎教師帶著家中毛小孩一同參加。

  • 調酒品茶場次為「教師同儕交流」場次,可個人報名參加,與同梯好友熱鬧一個晚上。

3. 活動地點及餐食說明:

  • 閃動格子場次將安排於校總區周邊簡餐店用餐,隨後至閃動格子公館店進行團體競賽活動。

  • 雲朵包編織場次將於校總區博雅教學館五樓用輕食,並辦理工作坊活動。

  • AI 畫創作場次將安排校總區周邊寵物友善餐廳用餐,並辦理工作坊活動。

  • 調酒品茶場次將安排科技大樓、古亭捷運店或公館周邊場地。餐食則以小菜或熱點輕食為主。

  • 上述場次的餐點以葷食為主,若有與會者茹素,請於備註欄說明,將為其準備素食輕食。

4. 活動主要邀請對象為 111-113 年到職的臺大教師為主。前三場次若尚有名額,再邀請其他年資教師報名參加。

| 聯絡窗口 | 承辦人 : 張依帆 小姐 聯絡電話:3366-3367 # 512 Email :

Join the Spark Tour! Let’s ignite the spark of education and inspire endless possibilities!

The Spark Tour aims to foster growth and communication among teachers. For the 113-2 semester, it will run from March to June in four sessions, each focusing on different teaching techniques combined with themed activities.

The activities are tailored for faculty and students, parents and children, pets, and fellow teachers. We invite teachers to embark on the Spark Tour together with their learning partners!

Apply now:

1. Session List

  • 03/20 12:30-14:00 Jumping Tiles – Build Team Harmony

  • 04/26 12:00-14:30 Cloud Weave – Craft Precious Parent-Child Moments

  • 05/17 12:00-14:00 AI Art – Paint Scenes of Togetherness

  • 06/06 18:30-20:30 Mix & Sip – Blend Life’s Teaching Flavors

2. Participation Guidelines

  • Jumping Tiles – Build Team Harmony: This session focuses on Teacher-Student Collaboration. Teachers are encouraged to invite members of their teaching or research teams (such as TAs, mentees, or graduate students) to join the activity. Each teacher may invite up to two participants. When registering, please provide the names, departments, and emails of the invited students.

  • Cloud Weave – Craft Precious Parent-Child Moments: This session is designed for Parent-Child Interaction. Teachers can bring their children to participate. The activity is suitable for children in elementary to junior high school. A maximum of two children can join, but additional children can be mentioned in the notes section. Please provide the names and ages of the children when registering.

  • AI Art – Paint Scenes of Togetherness: This session highlights Pet Companionship. The event will take place in a pet-friendly restaurant. Teachers are welcome to bring their pets to enjoy the activity together.

  • Mix & Sip – Blend Life’s Teaching Flavors: This session focuses on Teacher Peer Interaction. Teachers can register individually to join this event and enjoy a lively evening with fellow participants.

3. Venue and Meal Information

  • Jumping Tiles: Lunch will be served at a casual dining restaurant near the main campus, followed by a team competition at the Jumping Tiles Gongguan location.

  • Cloud Weave: Light meals will be provided on the fifth floor of the Liberal Education Building at the main campus, along with a hands-on workshop.

  • AI Art: The session will be held in a pet-friendly restaurant near the main campus, with both dining and workshop activities.

  • The Mix & Sip session will be held at a venue near the Technology Building or Guting MRT Station. The meals will consist of light snacks or hot appetizers.

  • Meals will mainly consist of non-vegetarian options. For vegetarian participants, please indicate this in the notes section during registration, and vegetarian meals will be arranged accordingly.