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生成式人工智慧 (Generative AI,簡稱生成式 AI,如ChatGPT、Cloude AI 、scite.ai等) 近兩年快速崛起,為更加了解本校教師對此類工具之看法、使用情況及應用於教學/研究之情形,敬邀您花 10-15 分鐘填寫,本次問卷結果將有助於本中心研擬教師增能活動與制定相關協助方案。分析結果將以院為單位呈現,不會涉及個人資訊,敬請放心填答。



Dear Faculty,

The Center for Teaching and Learning Development (CTLD) sincerely invites you to participate in this survey.

Over the past two years, generative artificial intelligence (Generative AI), such as ChatGPT, Claude AI, and, has rapidly emerged. To better understand our faculty’s perspectives on generative AI tools and their applications in teaching, invites you to spend 10–15 minutes completing this survey. The results will assist in planning faculty development activities and designing relevant support programs. The analysis will be presented at the college level and will not involve any personal information. Please feel assured when responding.

By completing the survey, you’ll have a chance to win amazing prizes!

Thank you for your participation. Your valuable feedback will serve as an important reference for us. If you have any questions during this period, please feel free to contact us. Thank you! 🙂