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為提供全校師生穩定、安全、且能支援多元教學樣貌的數位教學平臺,111-1 學期起,將以 NTU COOL 做為本校教學平臺,CEIBA系統於111-1學期起停止服務。



NTU COOL 是 NTU COurse OnLine 的縮寫,係以許多國際頂尖大學採用的 Canvas LMS 為基礎,並配合本校需求自行開發數位教學模組,打造強調支援影片教學、線上互動、學習足跡紀錄等特色的教學平臺。同時,為強化使用者之資訊安全保障與系統服務穩定度,NTU COOL已於2020年9月通過ISO27001資安認證,並持續落實資安政策。

NTU COOL 已串接本校教務相關系統,包括課程資料、選課資料、以及登分系統,因此教師能夠在平臺上自行開設課程、編輯課程資訊、學期末可直接從平臺送成績至登分系統,而學生在完成選課後亦會被自動加入所選課程。

請老師們及早開始使用 NTU COOL 進行教學,以利平臺移轉順利進行。

NTU COOL 使用說明:

如需將 CEIBA 課程內容複製至 NTU COOL,敬請聯絡

教學單位如欲申請辦理 NTU COOL 推廣說明會,亦可透過上述email與數位學習中心聯絡。


由於 CEIBA 將於 111-1 學期起停止服務,將提供以下配套措施:

  1. 即時提供最新CEIBA退場相關資訊。
  2. CEIBA修改為唯讀模式僅提供查詢及下載功能:自111-1起CEIBA修改為唯讀模式將僅提供所有教師及學生可以查詢及下載課程資料的服務。
  3. 「建置課程大綱服務」將透過COOL完成:
    教師原需登入CEIBA後才能進行課程大綱維護,自 110-1 起可至 NTU COOL 開設課程並「建置課程大綱」。

國立臺灣大學教務處 敬上

CEIBA 使用者支援

NTU  COOL 使用者支援


Dear faculty, students, and staff,

We are pleased to announce that NTU COOL will replace CEIBA as NTU’s official Learning Management System (LMS). We understand that moving to a new LMS is not an easy undertaking, but to provide NTU’s teachers and students with a secure and reliable platform which is able to meet the teaching/ learning needs from diverse backgrounds, the transition is decided to go into full effect by the 111-1 (Fall 2022) semester.


NTU COurses OnLine (NTU COOL), is the LMS developed in 2018 by NTU’s Digital Learning Center. This platform is based on Canvas LMS, which provides the basic functions for teaching and learning activities. Aiming to provide a powerful tool for faculty members to use digital technologies and media materials in their teaching, and to make students capable of autonomous learning and support them to manage their own pace of learning, we further developed custom modules for video learning, online interaction, and learning footprint tracking. 

While NTU COOL has been connected to the academic systems like course system, enrolments system, and grading system, teachers can reach their course lists, build course pages, edit course syllabi, and manage students’ grade on NTU COOL. Besides, in 2020, NTU COOL got the ISO 27001 certification which demonstrates that we take information security extremely seriously.

Faculty members are welcome to start switching to NTU COOL, and the support you need can be found at: For assistance in migrating an CEIBA course to NTU COOL, please contact the NTU COOL team (


Since CEIBA will no longer support course building after August 1, 2022, the relevant policies are as follows:

  1. We will be updating the information about LMS transition on the frontpage of CEIBA.
  2. CEIBA will be in read-only mode after the 111-1 semester. All the users can log in to CEIBA and download their course materials. 
  3. The feature for syllabus building is now available on NTU COOL.

During this move to NTU COOL, if your have any questions, please feel free to contact us. 




Office of Academic Affairs, NTU.