● 臺大教務處課程自動錄播系統服務需求調查
Lecture Recording System: User Needs Investigation
by 教學科技組 | 4 月 28, 2022 | 最新消息
開放填答時間至 2022/05/09 23:59,敬請老師們撥冗填答。
Dear Faculty Members,
To encourage faculty members to deliver blended learning and produce digital teaching materials, while lowering the threshold for teachers’ courses recording and increasing the opportunities for students to use videos to enhance their learning, OAA established the “Lecture Recording System” in the classrooms of Zonghe Lecture Building in 2021. This system allows instructors to record lectures while teaching.
After the establishment of the system in Zonghe Lecture Building, we equipped the classrooms of Gongtong (in Feb. 2022) and Boya (going to be completed in Aug. 2022) Lecture Building with the same system as well.
Aiming to provide quality services and to make proper rules for lecture recording application, we would like to invite you to share your ideas and needs about course recording by participating in a user survey.
Online Survey: https://forms.gle/TdUmRZPgte4RbD659
This survey will be open until May 9, 2022. We appreciate your time and feedback.
Digital Learning Center, OAA.
(02) 33663367#580